Homeland: Saul's Game (HSG) is a novel based on the TV show following Saul and Carrie's hunt for Abu Nazir while trying to prevent civil war in Iraq.
This book occurs about three years after Homeland: Carrie’s Run (HCR). Jumps right back in without missing a beat. There is so much backstory on Saul Berenson and Carrie Mathison that you will have a better understanding of both of them. Despite the title, it has Carrie as the main CIA agent involved running an off-the-record operation orchestrated by Saul. You will appreciate Saul more after reading this but may not like him so much. These two books fit in with the TV series Homeland perfectly.
As a thriller, it is a light read, and will probably be enjoyed by those who enjoy books about the secret undocumented workings of the CIA, which seem to make up the basis for so many espionage stories. The book takes place in the Middle East and uses events of the Iraq War to weave its story of betrayal and intrigue.
Carrie Mathison, the main character, is a CIA operative who suffers from bipolar disorder. Her boss, Saul Berenson, uses her to help discover the identity of a mole who is supplying Al Qaeda and the Iranians with operational intelligence. She is a wonder of capabilities and cleverness.
I gather from the book jacket that several of the characters in the book are favorites in the series. Perhaps I would have understood some of the character interactions better, because I think the author expected his readers to be familiar with the back story of people like Vice President Walden and Nicholas Brody, who floats through the book in a sub-plot that obviously has relevance in the future.
We are introduced to Nick Brody, the co-star of the first few seasons of “Homeland” on TV. We see how a long captivity has marked him, how he converts to Islam in a heartfelt manner, and how his loyalties to the U.S. waver as he develops a friendship with the child of his captor — Abu Nazir. He wonders what has happened to his family during six years of captivity, including a young son who doesn’t remember him, and a wife resentful that he joined the military after losing his job. And we hear about his depressingly awful childhood at the hands of a drunk and abusive father — a former Marine.
There is probably more truth in this book than fiction.
The book gets into areas the TV series never did. Saul grows up as the only Jewish kid — and Orthodox — in a small town in Indiana, the child of Holocaust survivors. He couldn’t possibly be more an outsider. He is constantly looked upon as “Talmudic”. The book plays the Jewish angle more heavily with Saul than does the TV series (with the exception of the last series where Saul’s relationship with the Israelis comes into play as he’s about to become a fugitive.)
We learn more about Dar Adal, Saul’s CIA colleague through much of the TV series. On TV he’s played as an American, now here we learn he’s Lebanese, an orphan to their civil war, and was adopted, and trained in the dark arts, by a major Palestinian terrorist. How he not only comes over to the American side, but rises in the CIA, isn’t made clear, and would bear explaining. Dar has a harder edge, and is more likely to see the need to kill someone now while Saul often takes a longer view and wants to hold off.
The world of spies is always wrapped in deception. Churchill said that in war the truth must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies.
It’s the spring of 2009. The story is about the hunt for Abu Nazir, but it winds around — Syria, Iraq, Iran, back to Iraq. It’s hard to keep the strands straight, just as it’s hard to keep the players straight in the real-world Middle East, with its dizzyingly complicated overlays of rival religions, governments, tribes, terror organizations and animosities, some recent and some dating back a thousand years.
While working undercover in Damascus in 2009, Carrie Mathison is leading an operation focussed on al Qaeda terrorist, Abu Nazir. When the plan goes south, Carrie figures that someone is leaking intel to the enemy,as Nazir is always one step ahead. Carrie turns to her boss, Saul Berenson, who sends her on the most trying mission of her life into the highly unstable Islamic Republic of Iran, all to coax the leak out of hiding.
In the war against al Qaeda, deception and lies are a way of life for Saul Berenson. He is the master composer, creating a masterful story to catch the enemy off guard while spotlighting the double agent who feeds the enemy with the CIA’s plans. Deeply embedded in his deception, Carrie Mathison becomes the spearhead of Saul’s super-covert mission to stop a plot to start a bloody war.
Carrie dodges death on multiple occasions, including at the hands of a sexy South African mercenary, head of a private security organization privy to high-level Western military intelligence, but suspected of leaking it to Iran or Al Qaeda or both. He and Carrie have the hots for each other — Ecstasy - fueled nights plus a threesome with his hot Ukrainian girlfriend — despite it becoming increasingly clear they’re maneuvering against each other.
Carrie starts seeing the pattern of destruction that comes to men involved with her — the soldier Dempsey, killed in the first book, an Iraqi boyfriend about to divorce his wife for her, and now the mercenary DeBruin. Her world is so insane, she reflects, that being bipolar isn’t necessarily a problem. And Carrie survives harrowing experiences both in Iran, where she is taken prisoner while working on a desperate gambit of Saul’s, and in Iraq, where Mathison and a Sunni team try to stop a Sunni terrorist strike against a Shiite holy place which might start a civil war, just as the Americans are trying to pull out.
Mathison, again the central character, has her flaws pushed under the microscope, but Brody's youth and turning prove to be highly intriguing as well.
SAUL’S GAME: A HOMELAND NOVEL is the second in a series of prequel novels for the Showtime television series. In this outing Andrew Kaplan has CIA’s Carrie Mathison on the hunt for the terrorist Abu Nazir. When a special operation meant to capture him fails, she and her boss Saul Berenson become convinced there is a leak within the CIA.
Nothing is certain, friends may be enemies and enemies friends, at least in this moment, or until the next breeze blows. Carrie Mathison is a CIA field operative working in Iraq in 2009 and is the principal character in this novel. This is a story about Carrie Mathison, she is working undercover in Damascus 2009. She is leading an undercover operation against al Qaeda terrorist Abu Nazir. The special operations meant to capture him fails, she and her boss Saul Berenson become convinced that there is a leak within the CIA. Before long everything that should be certain shifts into lies, Saul uses Carrie as a weapon to flush out who the mole is. This book does a great job of showing how hard it is to work undercover in the Islamic world.
Her boss, Saul Berenson uses Carrie as his primary agent in a complex operation of action and deception called Iron Thunder. This is especially difficult because of the limitations placed on all women by Islamic society. There are many places she cannot go and things that are only allowed for men. Plus she must often work covered from head to toe, with only a slit for her eyes, in order to blend in with the native female population.
Before long everything that should be certain shifts into lies and Saul uses Carrie as a weapon to dissolve the fog and try to glimpse the truth. Working undercover in the Islamic world is especially difficult for Carrie but she must pull it off or die in the attempt.
It explains how Brody is broken after years of torture and submits to the ideology of Al Qaeda, converts to Islam and finally trains his son Issa as a teacher in Abu Nazir's (the alter ego of Osama bin Laden) household. Meanwhile, Saul Berenson is forging a secret plan to prevent war between America and Iran. This secret plan is also intended to expose a double agent in the CIA and a key role in this plan falls to Carrie Matheson, Saul puts her in great danger.
In this book, Kaplan succeeds in connecting several plot lines that were not clarified in the series and providing clarity. The psyche of the characters is portrayed very well, how Saul meets Mira and his contacts with the Iranian secret service, Brody's way of thinking during his time with Abu Nazir and his love for his son are addressed, but Carrie's psyche is portrayed particularly impressively, between her bipolar disorder with its mood swings, her obsession with sex and the ambivalence about her attraction to some monsters in human form and her fight for a just cause.
Andrew Kaplan also conveys a great deal of knowledge about the inner workings of secret services, but also about the mixed situation in the Middle East, between religious barbarism and the pursuit of humanity...
There is an abundance of background revealed about Carrie and Brody and other characters from the television program.Before long everything that should be certain shifts into lies and Saul uses Carrie as a weapon to dissolve the fog and try to glimpse the truth. Working undercover in the Islamic world is especially difficult for Carrie but she must pull it off or die in the attempt.
There is an abundance of background revealed about Carrie and Brody and other characters from the television program. The book surrounds Carrie on a mission to uncover a mole and touches upon Brody's incarceration under Abu Nazir and his subsequent feelings towards Nazir's son and the American administration.
The second novel, HSG, was published in 2014, and it narrates a story set in 2009, “one year before the Arab Spring” (Kaplan, 2014, p. 5).
In it, Saul Berenson devises an elaborate plan to expose a double agent who is leaking secret intelligence to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization controlled by Abu Nazir. This plan ultimately involves Carrie being arrested and tortured in Iran. Under brutal interrogation, she reveals crucial information to the enemy (Kaplan, 2014, p. 253).
After blaming herself for having disclosed “actionable intel” to her cruel torturers, Carrie learns that all the operation was staged by Saul to convincingly pass false intelligence to whoever is leaking American secrets to Al Qaeda. Once Carrie finds out what the terrorists’ next target is, she must risk her life again to stop an attack on the Imam Hussein Shrine in Karbala, Iraq, that “would prompt violence across not only Iraq, but the entire Muslim world, with an end game impossible to predict” (Kaplan, 2014, pp. 183 ‑184).
Here again, Abu Nazir repeats his “signature” of multiple simulta‑neous attacks to create a diversionist tactic (Kaplan, 2014, p. 275).
This book is a bit more fragmentary than HCR because it is permeated by flashbacks which recount events that happened before the novel’s primary sequence of events to fill in crucial backstory involving Carrie, Saul, Brody, and even Dar Adal, Abu Nazir, William Walden, Virgil and Issa Nazir.
The year is 2009, so in a year the Arab Spring will begin, and in two years the civil war in Syria will break out. Carrie Mathison, a CIA agent, receives information from her Syrian contact, a presidential guard officer codenamed Cadillac, that the long-wanted commander of IPLA, Al Qaeda's Iraqi branch, Abu Nazir, is hiding in Otaibah. Carrie's boss, Saul Berenson, manages to persuade the highest authorities to attack the terrorist's hideout. However, after the helicopters landed, the members of the special group found only traces of a hasty evacuation from the camp. It is obvious that Abu Nazir has been warned. There must have been a leak, so there must be a mole among the small group of people who knew the plans for the operation. Carrie's ambition is to discover him. And what are the stakes at stake when Saul prepares a new operation, code-named Iron Thunder, for which Carrie is to be the main contractor?
Kaplan's novel, in addition to the events taking place in April and May 2009, contains interludes reporting conversations that took place a few months later in the White House among the president, vice president and the senator heading the services committee; Saul's memories of the Orthodox Jewish home and later, of problems in reconciling married life with service; as well as the experiences of another Homeland hero, Nicholas Brody, who has been held captive by Abu Nazir for six years, and his memories.
This book did a great job of filling in what happened from the first book and also what went on before the events of when they first found Brody and it was great to hear more about Saul who is one of my favourite characters apart from Carrie, about his backstory from when he was a child to when he joined the CIA and how he met his wife and Dar and his relationship with him and his one with Carrie, the shocking revelation at the end.
There is probably more truth in this book than fiction. The world of spies is always wrapped in deception. Churchill said that in war the truth must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies.
In the war against al Qaeda, deception and lies are a way of life for Saul Berenson. He is the master composer, creating a masterful story to catch the enemy off guard while spotlighting the double agent who feeds the enemy with the CIA’s plans. Deeply embedded in his deception, Carrie Mathison becomes the spearhead of Saul’s super-covert mission to stop a plot to start a bloody war.
At the end of the book there is a list of characters, in the order in which they appear in the novel, and an alphabetical glossary of organizations and institutions appearing in the book, including ... the Intelligence Agency.
Homeland: Saul's Game is the second official prequel novel based on Showtime’s hit television series. Andrew Kaplan presents another lightning paced, edge of your seat espionage thriller that fans of the TV series expect and new readers will positively enjoy.
Just as the previous Homeland novel, Carrie's Run, examined Carrie Mathison’s backstory. Saul's Game, explores the backstory of Saul Berenson and what makes Carrie’s boss such a formidable spy. This well written novel also delves into the backstories of Nicholas Brody and CIA black operations director, Dar Adal.
The best element about this novel is the list of characters (in order of appearance) and a glossary (in alphabetical order) provided by the author at the end of the book. This will definitely help readers to keep track of all the characters with foreign names as well as the numerous military and intelligence acronyms.
Homeland: Saul's Game is therefore very highly recommended to fans of the TV series as well as to readers of espionage thrillers.-- Leslie G.
This is the second Kaplan novel which ties in with the hugely successful series Homeland. The book surrounds Carrie on a mission to uncover a mole and touches upon Brody's incarceration under Abu Nazir and his subsequent feelings towards Nazir's son and the American administration. This for me was the better of the novels and was really tense at times. It really does lead up to the Tv series so well and is a must for any homeland fan.
Exploring back stories on Carrie, Saul, and a young Nicholas Brody, Kaplan teases the series fan with breadcrumbs sure to excite and encourage them to keep tuning in to the Showtime classic program. Once again, Andrew Kaplan has delivered a story that depicts the characters exactly as we know them on screen, in another prequel to the events of season 1.
Saul's Machiavellian ruthless streak that belies his outward liberal persona, runs riot in this convoluted tale of hunting down the elusive Abu Nazir and trapping a government mole and rogue military contractor. The political and religious complications and alliances that dominate the middle east are once again woven into a convoluted tale of espionage intrigue. This is no John le Carré, and holds enough intellectual sophistication to satisfy the entertainment needs of the series fan and discerning reader alike. The action is solid and well described, however, I think 4,3/5 stars this time, because I wasn't fully convinced by the outcome of a big scene toward the end of the story. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and hope we see more.
- Saul: Why? Do you like bad boys?
- Carrie: That sounds funny coming from you. You know why girls like bad boys, Saul? Because it gives us an excuse to be mean all the time, convincing us that we're saving them.
Spycraft & CIA Terms[]
COMINT — Acronym for Communications Intelligence; i.e., intelligence derived from the interception of electronic or voice communications.
CST — The CIA’s Clandestine Service Training Program. While most CIA trainees go through the CIA’s Professional Training (PT) Program, only those CIA employees slated for the clandestine Special Activities Division (SAD) field operations go through the additional one-year CST training.
DIA — Acronym for the Defense Intelligence Agency. The DIA is the agency tasked with supplying and managing military intelligence for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).
DNI — Acronym for the Director of National Intelligence. This position, established post-9/11, acts as head of the U.S. Intelligence community (IC) and reports directly to the U.S. President. Affiliated IC agencies (aka “elements”) reporting to the DNI include the CIA, DIA and other Department of Defense (DoD) intelligence agencies, NSA, Dept. of Energy’s OICI, Dept. of Homeland Security, FBI, DEA, Dept. of State’s INR and Dept. of Treasury’s TFI (Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence). The DNI’s office is responsible for preparing the President’s Daily Brief (PDB).
The Farm — Camp Peary, aka “Camp Swampy” or “The Farm”, is a CIA covert training facility of nearly 10,000 acres near Williamsburg, Virginia. Contrary to popular opinion and its portrayal in movies, only a portion of CIA training is actually done at the Farm (also see “The Point” below).
FSB — The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Federal’naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsi, aka “FSB”, is the primary Russian counter-intelligence and domestic security service. It is the successor organization to the KGB of Cold War fame and is headquartered in the former KGB’s headquarters building, aka “Lubyanka Prison”, aka “Adult’s World”, in Lubyanka Square in Moscow. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the KGB was dismantled. Subsequently, the FSB was reconstituted as Russia’s primary domestic security agency.
MASINT — Acronym for Measurement and Signature Intelligence; i.e., intelligence derived from the analysis of technical data, such as the spectrographic analysis of the fuel exhaust of an enemy’s new rocket. MASINT is sometimes referred to as the “CSI” of the intelligence community.
NRO — The National Reconnaissance Office, a U.S. DoD (Department of Defense) agency, operates the spy satellites that supply satellite data for all U.S. intelligence agencies.
NSA — The U.S. intelligence agency primarily responsible for COMINT (Communications Intelligence, see above), cryptanalysis and computer intelligence and security. For many years, the U.S. government refused to acknowledge the NSA’s existence, leading Washington insiders to quip that the letters “NSA” stood for “No Such Agency”.
The Point — aka “Harvey Point”, aka “Harvey Point Defense Testing Activity Facility”, is a CIA training facility near Hertford, North Carolina.
SVR — The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedk, was reconstituted from the KGB’s First Chief Directorate, as the Russian external intelligence service. The SVR is headquartered in the Moscow suburb of Yasenevo.
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