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Shalwar Kameez
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Season 4, Episode 3
Written by: Alexander Cary
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter
Production number: 4WAH03
Running time: 49 minutes
Original airdate: October 12, 2014
Viewers (millions): 1.22

Shalwar Kameez is the third episode of Season 4 of Homeland. It aired on October 12, 2014.


Carrie Mathison is back in Islamabad and, behind the Ambassador's back, along with Fara Sherazi and Max, tries to cope with Aayan Ibrahim to get in touch. Meanwhile, Peter Quinn is still busy with himself and his emotions in the USA because he is accused of not having saved Sandy Bachman out of love for Carrie.

Episode guide[]

Carrie is back in Islamabad looking at the place where she, Sandy and Quinn were attacked. She asks herself why Sandy was out and about without protection. Meanwhile, in the US, Quinn has an appointment with the psychologist, who immediately asks him about the situation in the diner. Quinn defends that he only lost control once. The psychologist asks about the events in Islamabad and their connections. She finally wants to know if Quinn and Carrie are a couple because Quinn chose Carrie over Sandy. Quinn has no understanding for this speculation and ends the appointment.

Carrie is back in the Operations Center and is surprised that nobody is there. However, the few people on site know nothing about their scheduled staff meeting and also say that the embassy has imposed a curfew. She should contact the ambassador, which Carrie does immediately. There she also meets John Redmond and he and the ambassador Martha Boyd are surprised that Carrie of all people has now taken over Sandy's position. Carrie explains that she needs the people back on the field, but Martha makes her people's safety her top priority.

Carrie has gathered all the important CIA employees in the embassy and asks them about Sandy and the source because she believes that the information was too good and that something was wrong there. However, Carrie encounters some reservations about her person and John in particular resists. Carrie takes John aside and it turns out that he can't understand why Carrie has Sandy's job, even though he looked like the sure successor.

Quinn is lying by the condominium pool with his landlady, Eden, and he explains that he will quit his job, even though his employer certainly won't like it. The landlady asks about his skills and qualifications and is surprised that Quinn doesn't even have a degree. When Quinn's phone rings, he throws it in the pool.

Carrie is in her apartment and gets a message. She immediately sets off with her protection brigade, even if they don't actually want to leave the premises. Later, however, Carrie is able to get rid of her guards and shortly afterwards meets Fara Sherazi. Max is there too and Carrie asks what has been found out about Aayan and whether he can be observed. Fara is supposed to contact Aayan, pretend to be a journalist and win him over to her side. However, she is very nervous. Carrie explains to Max that the embassy has no idea what they are planning.

Dar Adal visits Quinn and explains that the group is worried about him because they have invested a lot of money in him and that he seems to be out of control now. Quinn fights back, but Dar Adal also confronts him that his behavior was just because he loves Carrie, and that's why he let Sandy die. Quinn chokes Dar Adal and again makes it clear that he wants nothing more to do with him or the group.

Carrie sees some people arriving outside the embassy. Inside, she suddenly hears Saul talking to Martha. Carrie is surprised to see him in Islamabad and wants to know why Saul is there. Carrie admits that she could use his help in persuading Martha to lift the curfew so people can go about their jobs properly.

Fara meets with Aayan, but he doesn't really want to talk to her, even if she really is a journalist. Fara tries everything to persuade him, but he keeps resisting her. Fara is upset that she didn't manage to get more information.

Quinn looks at the video online showing the attack on Sandy, Quinn and Carrie. Quinn also remembers the situation in the car.

Fara explains to Carrie how her brief conversation with Aayan went and that she got the impression that Aayan was really scared. In the evening, Carrie meets with Martha, who accuses her of leaving the embassy against her instructions. Carrie wants a fresh start and brings up Saul. Martha explains that they have known each other for a long time and almost got married. She also tells Carrie that she's going to lift the curfew, not because Saul wanted it, but because she thinks Carrie is right. You can only improve relations with Pakistan if you actively do something.

Quinn's landlady cleans up all the empty bottles and cans in Quinn's apartment. She asks him about the videos and Dar Adal, but Quinn doesn't want to talk to her about it and asks her to leave his apartment. She also says that she doesn't begrudge anyone to go through what he had to go through. She says goodbye and explains that Carrie is lucky.

Carrie meets up with Saul and immediately asks him about Martha and her engagement. Saul then changes the subject and wants to know what Carrie is up to now. She's not allowed to tell him that, but Saul wants to give her at least a few more tips, but quickly realizes that Carrie has already thought of everything.

Aayan is sitting in a coffee shop when a woman comes and calls for help because on the toilet a woman is screaming in pain. Aayan wants to help immediately and enters the toilet. But there he meets Carrie, who immediately reveals herself and responds directly to the fact that she can not only protect him, but can also give him many advantages if he just tells his story. Carrie gives him her card and explains that he can choose to call her. But if he is scared and in danger, she will help him.

Quinn is watching the video of the attacks again when he notices a man on the phone with the onlookers in the background. He watches other videos from other perspectives and realizes that he has a button in his ear.

Carrie is having dinner when the phone rings and Quinn explains that the whole attack was planned because this man apparently coordinated everything. So you never really had a chance to help Sandy. Carrie is immediately persuaded and explains that she now really needs Quinn in Islamabad. Quinn doesn't really want that, but he lets Carrie talk him into it.


  • "It is a seduction." - Fara
  • "Make physical contact if you can." - Carrie for Fara about Aayan
  • "Happy hunting." - Saul for Carrie
  • “She was your fiancee?”
  • “For about two minutes. A hundred years ago.”
  • “You won’t ever see me again if you don’t want to. But you should want to.”
  • "You're part of an important story. I want to be the one to tell it." - Carrie for Aayan
  • “…Whoever Carrie is…she’s a lucky girl.” - Eden
  • “Shit, Carrie, you know you’re the hardest person in the world to say no to.” “God, I fucking love you Quinn, you know that, don’t you.” “…Yeah.” [Quinn blankly stares into space.]
  • Saul: ‘Tyranny of secrets?’
  • Carrie: ‘The tyranny of keeping them.’
  • Ambassador Boyd (Laila Robins) comes out and scoffs, "Best view in Islamabad — which isn't saying much."
  • "Fuck me.” - Quinn
  • "God, I fucking love you, Quinn.” - Carrie
  • Carrie : Morning. Lockdown was lifted.
  • Saul : Hallelujah.
  • Carrie : What else can I do for you?
  • Saul : Go home.
  • Carrie : She was your fiance?
  • Saul : For about two minutes a hundred years ago.
  • Carrie : Why didn't you say anything?
  • Saul : Well, we haven't really been talking much lately, Carrie.
  • Carrie : I'm sorry.
  • Saul : No need to apologize.
  • Carrie : I wanted to pick up the phone so many times, but what I wanted to talk about I couldn't. I still can't.
  • Saul : Tyranny of secrets.
  • Carrie : Well, the tyranny of keeping them.
  • Saul : So what are you doing today with your newfound freedom?
  • Carrie: I can't tell you.
  • Saul : I can guess, can't I?
  • Carrie : Sure.
  • Saul : You got two problems, far as I see. One, you need to get Sandy's networks up and running again.
  • Carrie : Check.
  • Saul : Two, you don't know who you can trust yet. So you need to set up a second station somewhere with your own people, independent of the embassy.
  • Carrie: [knowing grin]
  • Saul : You've done that already. (← almost a question, but almost a statement too!)
  • Carrie: [the smallest nod and smile, not haughty, but almost like "hey, you've taught me well, I did it all on instinct and I'm a badass playing 3D chess"]
  • Saul : Well, that was quick. [shaking his head in amazement and pride]
  • Carrie : [smiles back, she knows he knows and is impressed. She's content and happy with herself, bites her lip, looks outside and smiles.]
  • [They stare at each other, comfortable smiles.]
  • Carrie: When's your plane, Saul?
  • Saul : Tomorrow morning.
  • Carrie : Thank you.
  • Saul : Happy hunting.
  • Carrie : [She grin]

- The scene: Carrie and Saul are meeting in Islamabad, for the first time in a while have time to talk.

Stray observations[]

Goodbye, Quinn’s building manager whose name (Eden) was so rarely said as to be basically nonexistent. You were a cool character—and for real, this back and forth between you and Quinn reveal so much of his fractured mental state:

  • “You don’t know what you heard or didn’t hear, do you understand?”
  • “Jesus, Peter, you’re scaring me.”
  • “You should be scared. These people do not fuck around.”
  • “What I wanted to say to you is that nobody should have to go through what you went through. Nobody. And if that guy shows up here again, I’d say it to his face.”
  • “I’d like to see that. I really would.”


“Carrie may not behave like an action hero, but she has the recklessness of one. In her own way, she’s doing extreme, unlikely things with her body. Were she resting on her sexuality and advancing solely through manipulation or just fucking for status, her character might be despicable, but the intricate plotting of Homeland has her behavior yield serendipity that her brilliant mind then decodes.” – Rich Juzwiak

“There is something very powerful about undeniable truths—those desires that can’t really be changed, even if they can be controlled. But there’s also something really painful about them, and it’s mostly the pain that I found myself focusing on. It’s not that the relationship is interesting because it’s romantic—I’m finding myself drawn to the dynamic between Quinn and Carrie because it’s complicated. And because despite its other flaws, Homeland has paid a lot of attention to the way these two characters are growing, whatever dynamic Quinn and Carrie have and are developing is pretty different from what she had with Brody.” —Sonia Saraiya

One of the writers’ mantras over the years is that the best lies need to be 95% true (the gist is that the best lie needs to be almost entirely true with just a little bit of lie mixed in).


  • A shalwar kameez is a Punjabi outfit for either men or women (though primarily women), worn all through the Indian subcontinent—including, of course, Pakistan. “Shalwar” refers to the pants, “kameez” to the top (it is the same root word as “chemise”). A third item resembling a scarf can be added to the outfit.
  • Three inaccuracies in Homeland's depiction of Islamabad. - by FATIMA SHAKEEL


Main Cast[]

Guest Starring[]


  • Fiona Ramsay as Dr. Helen Byatt
  • Nick Boraine as Alan Hensleigh
  • Aidan Whytock as Brian Chase
  • Lance Elliott as Tom
  • Peter Butler as Dr. Malik Gorshani
  • Ali Mahmood Bukhari as Babar
  • Craig Hawks as Marine Sergeant
  • Tarryn Steyn as Pakistani Woman
  • Vasim Vhora as Man in Car


  • Although credited, Tracy Letts does not appear in this episode


Season 4
#401 "The Drone Queen" #407 "Redux"
#402 "Trylon and Perisphere" #408 "Halfway to a Donut"
#403 "Shalwar Kameez" #409 "There's Something Else Going On"
#404 "Iron in the Fire" #410 "13 Hours in Islamabad"
#405 "About a Boy" #411 "Krieg Nicht Lieb"
#406 "From A to B and Back Again" #412 "Long Time Coming"